Francoise Ortegat

Francoise Ortegat


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Sale price€9.50

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This is a beautiful new Peony, is what I thought when I saw her for the first time. Peculiar flower, rare color, with a vintage character, and as a cherry on top a lovely scent. When I did some more research this new thing did not add up, as she appears to be as old as Methuselah. More than 150 years old, she has disappeared from the stage for quite some time, but fortunately true enthusiasts have always kept her alive. She was reinvented and found her way to the Peony growers again. We can enjoy this historical Peony to the fullest with her old colors and classic Peony scent.

 Light requirement
Sunny, Half shade
 Plant height
100+ cm
 Plant cutting
 Fragrance level

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