• About Dahlia Tubers
  • Planting Dahlia Bulbs
  • Dahlias in Your Garden
  • Buying Dahlias Online

The dahlia is a spring flower with a long history of garden use. Dahlias were kept as a decorative plant by farmers, so that they could pick flowers all spring. This is something that truly sets the dahlia apart from other bulb flowers – once you pick a flower another one will often grow in its place. Dahlia bulbs are full of life and energy. Farmers learned to appreciate this early on, but dahlias also found their way to urban gardens quickly.

Fluwel is a flower bulb specialist, best known for our tulip and daffodil bulbs. And while dahlias are actually tubers, they will give you the same spring joy as bulb flowers will. Bringing spring to you garden is what we do best, so we are more than happy to include dahlia tubers in our web shop!

About Dahlia Tubers
Dahlias Online
Buying Dahlias Online

About Dahlia Tubers

Dahlias are as diverse as people, each with their own characteristics and features. Perhaps this is why they are so popular. It is almost unfair to make general statements about dahlias, as they are all so unique. This is why Fluwel offers information on each type of dahlia tuber we have available. This allows us to give a correct first impression of all the beautiful dahlias we have to offer.

The dahlia is a joyful flower. When you cut a dahlia, one or even two flowers will grow back in its place. This means that planting dahlia bulbs will create a constant source of spring colour and fragrance. We like to say that the dahlia is thanking us. When a dahlia feels at home in your garden, it will produce the most flowers. What could be more charming than a flower that rewards you so well for your care?

Planting Dahlia Bulbs

Dahlias may look exotic, but they are very similar to other bulb flowers in terms of care – despite the fact that they are actually tubers and not bulbs. The difference between the two is that bulbs store their extra nutrients in their underground leaves, while tubers use their stems and roots. This means that tubers contain much more moisture and are therefore more susceptible to frost than bulbs are. Dahlias are summer blooming flowers, which is why dahlias must be planted in spring when it no longer freezes at night. This will ensure that your dahlia tubers do not freeze. The earlier you start planting dahlia tubers, the longer you will be able to enjoy their beautiful flowers.

Dahlias in Your Garden Dahlias

Dahlias do well in sunny locations, as they need sun to develop optimally. Soil that is too wet is a deal breaker for the dahlia. Make sure that the soil is well-drained so that the tubers will not rot. Loosen the soil before planting and specialty fertiliser if desired. Plant the tubers a few centimetres deep in a trench, with the point facing upwards. Dahlia tubers can be planted quite close together, just a 2-5cm apart. This means you can create a wonderful, dense field of dahlias. Cover your tubers with a thin layer of earth and water them straight away. Keep the soil damp until after flowering. When your dahlias have reached a height of about 20cm, cut the tip of the buds so that your dahlias will branch out and give you even more flowers.

It is also possible to plant your dahlias tubers in a pot initially and them move them outside in May. You will need a greenhouse for this, as dahlia tubers require a lot of sunlight. When potted, dahlias also require damp soil that is well-drained. Check the soil twice daily to be sure. In May you can replant your dahlias outside or simply put the pot outside on your balcony or terrace. Dahlias are truly a versatile flower and they are also available in a multitude of colours, shapes and sizes. There are large showy dahlias, small delicate-looking dahlias, complex dahlias and simple elegant dahlias. Please take the time to look at what we have to offer here at Fluwel.

Buying Dahlias Online 

At Fluwel we have a large selection of various dahlias. You can buy dahlia bulbs from us as soon as they are in stock, which of course depends on the season. To make sure you don’t miss a minute of the dahlia season, sign up for our newsletter and we will let you know immediately when our dahlia bulbs are in stock. And of course you will also be informed about our other bulbs.

Choosing to order dahlias from Fluwel means you are choosing Fluwel quality. This means the best quality bulb and tubers from the most innovative growers. Due to our connections in the bulb growing world, we can offer bulbs that are hard to find elsewhere. This means we can offer exclusive bulbs and tubers. We take pride in our selection of dahlias!