Yes, I have time to write a newsletter this week. Time is weird, when you’re busy as well as when there’s less to do, it never feels like there’s enough. The saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ is weird to me, because I feel like a second or an hour is always the same length, whether it flew or dragged by in the circumstances. Do you get me? Don’t worry, neither do I. Anyway, the time to plant flower bulbs is almost here, so I am going to try to sell you some flowers right now. Scilla madeirensis
We’re starting off with Scilla madeirensis. Last year, in September, my Daffodil friend from Egmond Michiel de Waard gave these Schilla’s to me. He told me to plant them in a pot right away and put them in the living room, and then just wait and see. It was beautiful, I took this picture on November 7 and they kept on flowering until halfway through December. When the flowers finished, the plant stayed green and fresh until July. Then I took them out and stored them at around 20 degrees Celsius. According to the written word on these flowers, that’s how you prepare them for another year, so I tested it out and re-planted them in September. We’ll see if it works this year, but the bulbs looked healthy, so I am expecting success. The name implies the origin of this Scilla: the island of Madeira, known as a place of beautiful flowers. Michiel told me this week that he has bulbs for our webshop in his stock, so I hope you want to discover this new addition to our web shop too! Wisley
Another recommendation is the Daffodil 'Wisley'. It’s a favourite for any garden, and I am very happy to notice that she’s getting more and more popular again. Some growers quit growing her a few years ago and I found that an enormous shame, as she is a perfect garden flower and up there with the best when it comes to reliability. She flowers early, has a fresh colour, and lasts long. I’m happy the growers woke back up and took Wisley on again, she deserves to be in the assortment! White Lady
Daffodil 'White Lady' is another one of those indestructible Daffodils. She came on to the scene in 1897, and she has that beautiful vintage look to show for it. She has an elegant look and is able to come back year after year if she’s happy with her spot in the garden. White Lady has a lot of good characteristics, she could teach a thing or two to newer varieties that don’t have her stamina. Another reason this old Daffodil is still so widely used is that she is frequently found in old gardens by churches, forests, and older botanical gardens and parks. Hello Sunshine
What other Daffodils would I hand to you if you were standing in front of me and asked: Just give me whatever you like? 'Hello Sunshine' is one I would definitely give. Or have I talked about her too much already? Then I have another option for you: Tangerine Beauty. Tangerine Beauty
When it comes to recommendations, this is another top pick for me. 'Tangerine Beauty' has a little more of a unique look, sweet and fun, and she looks great in bouquets and vases as well. She brings up the same emotion as 'Say Cheese', another one of those happy Daffodils that tend to make people smile. Tamar Fire
To stay in the recommendations-list: 'Tamar Fire' is also worth a closer look. A midsize Daffodil, which for some reason some people don’t love: they either want very small or really large, but I disagree with that stance wholeheartedly. It’s a mindset often used by people who think they know what they’re talking about, but in reality they are only missing out on so much beautiful, elegant flowers. I love this size of Daffodil. She’s not overwhelming but absolutely not easily overshadowed, a good balance in any garden. I encourage you to plant her in your garden and see for yourself!

Another one of my favourite flowers is 'Janis Joplin'. This Tulip is a good match to her name: a real presence, and we love to see her. Like the Daffodils I mentioned above, she just has that uniqueness about her that makes her just a little bit different from everyone else. When you take a first look in the web shop, everything must just look like a flower to you, maybe in different colours but that’s about it, but when you start to look at them a little longer everyone can see that they have massive, or subtle, differences. A shade of purple no other flower truly has, other measurements than most flowers in her category, just the vibe they give off. Janis Joplin is one of those ones, she gets more special the longer you look (and listen). Say Cheese
Time to wrap it up again… with one last piece of advice. If you decide to order flower bulbs, think about adding an extra few for your aunt for her upcoming birthday, or that friend who’s absolutely hopeless in the garden (you can come over to help plant as part of the gift!). Getting people flower bulbs is an underrated gift, especially the beautiful varieties that may just exactly suit their taste.
Kind regards,
Carlos van der Veek