Peony Sarah Bernhardt
Belkmerweg 20
Belkmerweg 20
1754 GB Burgerbrug
From | Your advantage |
5 packaging | 5% per package |
10 packaging | 7% per package |
As one of the most famous Peonies in the world, Sarah Bernhards has been one of the most cultivated Peonies for more than a hundred years. Not just in the garden, but also as a cut flower in the flower trade, she probably fills most vases at home on a yearly basis. She is one of the Peonies that flowers last, often after Whitsun. But she is more than worth the wait. She is good, healthy, and extremely trustworthy. Little downside is that after a few years, when she is settled in in the garden, she needs a little support during her blooming period. She gives many flowers, of course she does. Ah, then you could pick some if you like 😊.