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Dahlia Café au Lait Rose
Belkmerweg 20
Belkmerweg 20
1754 GB Burgerbrug
The almost unknown Dahlia Café au Lait has undergone a small color change over the years. Not the entire batch, just a few tubers that changed color out of nowhere. Most Dahlia growers remove these color mutants from the batch, it is mainly the special coffee color that makes Café au Laît so popular. If not grower Van Schie, he found a few color variations in the Café au Laît that he thought were worth further breeding. This resulted in the Café au Lait Royal, the Café au Lait Rose, the Café au Lait Supreme and the Café au Lait Twist. I completely agree with Van Schie, these four Dahlias are more than worth it. They bloom and grow exactly the same as the old famous Dahlia Café au Laît, only the color is different.